Another week and another Frosthaven adventure. Different than recent ones due to various reasons. First of all, we are stuck (waiting for time to pass) in Unfettered (Machines) sub-campaign; Algox one is finished, Lurker is so difficult we decided to pause it for a moment. So we again looked at some of the more interesting side quests (usually pretty crazy and non-orthodox 🙂 )

However this time, uncharacteristically for us, the idea was to play something relatively straightforward and not too complicated. Something which will be a good introductory scenario for… a new player!

Our Frosthaven Campaign in scenario order:
Some interesting materials about Frosthaven World:
Frosthaven – first look – starting characters (1/2)
Frosthaven – first look – starting characters (2/2)
Frosthaven – monsters' analysis & strategies – Lurkers
Frosthaven – monsters' analysis & strategies – Unfettered

Yes, we have the fourth player in our group! As you might remember (or not) that initially we played Frosthaven in group of four but our colleagues started to drop one after another. So we are glad that after about year of three player play, thanks to Adam, we are back to the full squad. And how our composition will look like? Let us see:

  • Frozen Fist – level 4 (me) – a guy with pretty unusual mechanics (losing health to recover cards), proves to be a decent damage dealer while also can soak up some damage.
  • Infuser – level 4 (Kuba J) – crazy mechanics with infusion, possibility to send swords as summons, strong attacks with decent health. Another damage dealer capable of taking some beating.
  • Snowdancer – level 4 (Kuba G) – crowd control and manipulation master, creates a lot of hazardous terrain and then pulls or pushes monsters. Especially useful in below scenario.
  • Drifter – level 3 (Adam) – yes, Drifter is back! That super versatile character, who can heal, attack, take the beating and is no dependent on elements will be a strong addition to our team!

Scenario Specifics

Below we analyze scenario, its set-up, win conditions and complexity levels:

I promised you – not too complicated, one dot, side quest. Just perfect for a start. However, the history behind the mission is very intriguing; what is more, that sub quest has four consecutive scenarios! So we shall have a lot of fun.

We were approached by eight Aesthers. Those creatures themselves are pretty crazy. Thought to once be human, Aesthers were an intellectual society that delved too deeply into their studies of trans-planar travel. Something went horribly wrong. They now live an eternal existence trapped between the planes, forced to forever witness infinite realities at once. Ekhm, yes, told you, not a standard folk.

So they approached us because somebody / something attacked them and in order to prevent their annihilation they merged together and escaped. Now they ask us for help and restoration or at least retribution to their wrongdoers. How could we deny – we are all in!

PS. As always, feel free to click on below images for full details.

Session Report

Scenario #65 set-up three big rooms, a lot of enemies (with four players you have maximum number), some well-known adversaries like Living Bones, Imps or Frozen Corpses! But we know something special dwelled in the last chamber. And something strange was happening there…
Close-up on our initial enemies as well as our merry company. Unfortunately, all of us had Hangover so our initiative was permanently increased by 10. We simply were slow!
Yeah, first room indeed took us a bit more time than we thought it will. Colleagues were also very curious why I was collecting all the loot. Well, it was not a pure egoism – it was my hidden battel goal!
Second room; same monsters, same composition, more meat to grind. So we did.
But the last room took us by surprise. Probably we were a bit nonchalant, too dispersed and not paying as much attention as we should. The last task was to protect the orb, and seeing all those monsters around it – which would attack it immediately after Infuser opened the room – well, that was not what we planned for 🙂
Using the best defense tactic we did two things 1) shielded Orb with ourselves 2) hit hard with our lost cards, inflicting enormous amounts of damage. Worked like a charm – and produced even more loot! Victory!


I admit, that scenario was not challenging or with a lot of twists and turns. Rather long, tedious struggle through the hordes of enemies, which you had to cut through. Still, the orb at the end really intrigued us and there will be follow-up to it. But only in 6 Frosthaven weeks… What is even more important Adam and his Drifter did a great job of supporting the team and I hope we shall continue in full squad!

More reports to come!