As you probably very well know, Plantagenet: Cousins’ War for England, 1459 – 1485 is a stand-along game but at the same time already fourth part in the broader system, Levy & Campaign. The volumes in this series share similar core systems simulating medieval Levy of armies by individual great Lords and lesser Vassals, equipping of those armies with transport such as Carts and special Capabilities such as crossbowmen, trebuchets, or stonecutters, to name a few.

For each Campaign, players then form stacks of Command cards to preset the order that Lords will March, Forage, Siege, and so on. Logistics are key, as Provender must be gathered and moved to Feed Troops in the field or suffer curtailed Lords’ Service and Disband.

All Plantagenet materials:
- Replay by Christophe Correia: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- First Impressions
- Unboxing
- How to Play
- Bosworth Battle (1485 AD)

But each installment of the series features widely different geographic, cultural, and political settings, each with twists on the core rules to help bring out these differences. And below material is aimed exactly at showing those new solutions and mechanics in Plantagenet to people who already are familiar with the system; that is also meant to allow a quick jump into the game if you played earlier Nevsky, Almoravid or Inferno!
