Our experiences shows that scenarios in Frosthaven campaign are much more varied, complex and crazy than what we experienced in Gloomhaven. Even if it says to kill all the monsters, there might be a catch which makes scenario super complicated. And not necessarily some end-of-game adventure or side quest – that can await you even on rather early step of the whole game.

After that preparation you probably expect that I will say we just experienced such situation. Well, you are right! Second scenario in Unfettered (Machines) sub-campaign really made us scratch our heads – and the thing was made even more dramatic due to our unusual challenge which we added to the play. Let us see that monster!

Our Frosthaven Campaign in scenario order:
Some interesting materials about Frosthaven World:
Frosthaven – first look – starting characters (1/2)
Frosthaven – first look – starting characters (2/2)
Frosthaven – monsters' analysis & strategies – Lurkers
Frosthaven – monsters' analysis & strategies – Unfettered

First, we shall quickly look at the composition of our company; it is stable since two adventures and will stay as such for a longer time as we all are pretty far away from fulfilling retirement goals:

  • Frozen Fist – level 3 (me) – a guy with pretty unusual mechanics (losing health to recover cards), proves to be a decent damage dealer while also can soak up some beating.
  • Infuser – level 3 (Kuba J) – that one is just starting to show its true capabilities – crazy mechanics with infusion, possibility to send swords as summons – we shall see more here for sure.
  • Snowdancer – level 3 (Kuba G) – crowd control and manipulation master, creates a lot of hazardous terrain and then pulls or pushes monsters.

Coincidentally, we all are now on level 3 – that translates to Normal Difficulty Level of scenario equaling two – which we play usually that way as we add also challenges. This is a new mechanic in Frosthaven, allowing to gain some experience for the Outpost Defenders but making each adventure more difficult.

Scenario Specifics

Below we analyze scenario, its set-up, win conditions and complexity levels:

You see those three dots below the scenario name. Yup, that means it will be super complex & complicated (not necessarily difficult). We would need to survive 12 turns and kill everybody. And we start in… (look at the name of scenario 🙂 ) ELEVATOR! That means we will be moving down, passing some platforms nearby; what is more, there is a chance that some strange things will start to happen once we go deeper into the tunnels. Let us see!

PS. As always, feel free to click on below images for full details.

Session Report

Scenario #16set-up We are inside elevator, and there is already bunch of Ruined Machines emerging from the walls as well as one moving platform next to us, full of artillery. However, what scared us most were all those lettered markers – that means something very strange will be happening on them as we descend deeper.
After quickly killing of Ruined Machines, at the beginning of I think Turn 3 another six arrived (those lettered counters, told you)! What is more, second platform with Artillery appeared – things were definitely getting difficult.
I told you about challenge which we have chosen for this scenario – that it will be really painful. Well, it was – each and every hex with loot was treated as hazardous terrain! But my card allowed me to gather those precious resources – above one of the best Loot Actions I did – six in one go!
The closer we were getting to the end of the trip (remember, full 12 rounds) the more nasty enemies were arriving. Finally we faced first Bladespinner – it took some planning and discussion before we found a way to pretty efficiently get rid of him.
Ok, we moved past all platforms and were almost at the end of the journey when unexpectedly another two Bladespinners appeared. But now, we were not scared anymore – we burned cards for experience and hit them with all our might.
Uff, finally the at end of the elevator trip. That was long, sometimes tedious descend but we prevailed!
My Frozen Fist is extremely mobile character – and with good loot opportunities, he can do miracles. Above the trophies form this scenario!


Well, that was one of the longer adventures we played – took us over three hours. This is not a surprise as we had to survive twelve turns and almost always had tons of monsters, ice, hazardous terrain and other obstacle on the map to take into account when planning actions. But I was relieved to see that despite everything, we succeeded. Would be a pity to repeat such a long game 🙂