Recently my fascination and passion for Commands & Colors system, especially Ancients, grows again. It might be the fact that they are much easier to play during the pandemic online. It might be also that they are so interesting and in large variety, thus it is relay hard to get bored with them.

Some of my articles regarding C&C system:
Commands and Colors games – my 3 favorite
[REVIEW] Commands Colors Ancients
[STRATEGIES] How to attack in Commands Colors Ancients?
[STRATEGIES] How to defend in Commands Colors Ancients?
C&C Tricorne – continuing with Base Game campaigns
Celebrating 4th of July – playing Bunker Hill battle with Tricorne
Commands Colors Medieval - Belisarius Campaign
Back to Napoleonics – Prussians Expansion
Memoir’44 – Winter Wars in Breakthrough format!
The Great War – Mini-Tournament #4

As you may observe on my blog, I recently wrote couple of strategy articles as well as reviews. However, a completely new idea was brewing in my mind for some time.

When I was starting my playing experience with wargames – mainly from Polish designers and developers – I had possibility to play in solitaire challenges. What was it? You were given some particular situation on the map, one turn of moves and attacks and whoever scored most points – by eliminating the enemies or capturing some objectives – was the challenge winner.

The idea to retrofit that system to some of my current wargames was on my mind for some time and then I realized that C&C Ancients would be good title to try it on! We have fantastic Mini and Open Tournaments where we can compete directly. Let us have some solo experience with that great game.

Rules & Conventions

Let me now explain how would it work. Then I will provide example. Last but not least, there will be the real puzzle for whomever is up to take up the challenge! Should you find any inconsistencies or have suggestions formulating the rules in a better way, do not hesitated to let me know. I want this to be fun but also demanding exercise 🙂

  1. Depending on scenario, the player will will be given 3 to 5 command cards to choose from.
  2. The player will have one card to play – no continuation after this from player nor from bot.
  3. To resolve the dice rolls efficiently and in the same way for everybody solving the puzzle, there will be a pre-planned results table for dice rolls.  Results will be split on columns depending on the number of dices. Then there will be 5-10 rows with actual results.
  4. To get the appropriate result you cross-reference the number of dice used (attack, battle back, leader check, etc.) and the row corresponding to which roll with that number of dice in the game was made. Example: It is beginning of the game. Warrior attacks bot-lead Medium Infantry. Player check column “4 dices” and row “#1” to get result. If bot unit is not destroyed or forced to retreat, he battles back with result found in column “4 dices” and row “#2”.
  5. If you go through all results in the column, start from row #1.
  6. Player Command is 3 (as you choose from three cards)
  7. The bot uses the same pre-defined results table as player thus plan accordingly and to your advantage.
  8. The bot always battle backs.
  9. The bot always evades.
  10. The bot always ignores as many flags as possible.
  11. The bot will retreat or evade as per player direction (yes, you can play it to your advantage).
  12. You can amend set number of dices to pre-defined results during the whole scenario (example: you may change two dice results through the game – yours or opponent – one to LDR result, and another to XSW result) – that will allow for different solutions from the players
  13. As for the victory points, 1 VP will be awarded for each unit killed (just like in Mini and Open Tournaments), the more the better score
    • first tie-breaker is number of blocks lost (the less, the better)
    • second tie-breaker is number of blocks killed (the more, the better)
  14. The puzzle will be prepared in Vassal file form but also fully described within the post; whatever form you prefer to use when solving it
  15. The solution can be send via CONTACT form (there is no way to attach file to contact form so I will reply to you then via email) or directly to my email
  16. The results of the puzzle will be then posted on this blog, with the best solution presented within the post. Please provide your nick-names if you want to be in the results table 🙂
  17. If you plan on using Vassal, you would need the application as well as the CC Ancients module.

Example puzzle

So let us try with the example, simple puzzle and how it can be played out. That should be best way to describe and explain my idea. Hope you will like it and try to tackle couple of scenarios!


Somewhere far on the Eastern border of Roman Empire the Roman detachment travelling through Syria is attacked by mixture of light troops and eastern cavalry. You need to repeal the enemy inflicting as many causalities as possible on them.

Scenario special rules:

  • There are two cards to choose from – Order 2 Left or Order 2 Right
  • You cannot change any dice during the rolls (for simplicity purposes)
  • The reduction in the number of blocks of some units is purposeful
  • The dice results for the scenario are provided in separate sheet (see above)


Now, let us try to see what happens:

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You can also see detailed replay with full comment, references to the dice roll table, etc. in Vassal –  log file below (boardgamegeek access needed):

In essence, you try to conduct your attack – using the pre-defined rolls – in a way which inflicts maximum losses on opponent while preserving your own units.

I hope I managed to explain what I have in mind. Ready for a challenge? So let us try. Please, be forgiving – this is my first attempt – if something is not right please write in comments! It is also not overly difficult to test how it goes. More demanding scenarios will come!

The Solitaire Challenge #01

A cold, winter night somewhere in the forests of Germania, already behind the boarders of civilized world. A small Imperial detachment is sent to scout the surroundings. There were rumors of amassing barbarian troops. Strange, as it is still before the campaign season.

Suddenly, the patrol exits the wooden track and enters the small clearing in the forest. To the surprise of the Roman soldiers a large host of barbarians occupy it. “To arms! We have been discovered!” screams bearded barbarian giant. It is too late to fall back. The Decurion orders a charge…

Challenge special rules:

  • you will have three cards too chose from – Order Four Units Left, Order Medium Troops, Double Time. You can use only 1. Discard others.
  • you can change two dices during the game: one to Leader symbol and one to Flag. It can be done to any rolls: attack, battle back, leader check, evade, etc.
  • The Julian Legions rule is in effect for the Romans.
  • The reduction in the number of blocks of some units is purposeful.
  • all other rules are as per standard CCA Solitaire Challenge Rules & Conventions (see above)

The task is not easy, but your cavalry can use momentum advance and bonus close combat – that should multiply your attacks and give chances for more points.

Additional resources:

Please send the answers via Blog CONTACT form from this blog or directly to my email. It can be description in Word of your action, a saved Vassal log file or any other form. Please provide your nick under which your result will be published!

Good luck!