It is good to do inventory of your games from time to time – in my case their number grows very quickly, as I am getting new titles at least couple of times in a month. But that is for what already landed in my hands. However, I just realized it would be great to gather all my preorders in one place and finally have some understanding how many of them there is out-there! Well, once I did the provisional list immediate realization came that this might be a cool material for article.

And thus, here it comes – my list of pre-orders / supported campaigns / new editions for which I am anxiously waiting. Some of them are already in the shipping process (my wish, I know!), for some I will have to wait couple of years still, some have crowdfunding currently running. I hope this list might be kind of inspiration where to find some new great titles!

One important note – as I have really many games on my pre-orders list, I decided to limit myself to ten titles from Kickstarter / Gamefound and five from GMT P500 (you know I am huge fan of GMT games thus such special treatment). I have simply too many of them to fit everything in one article, so I think this is the best solution – and still great inspiration for Dear Readers!

Kickstarter / Gamefound / Other:

1) The Other Side of the Hill from NAC Wargames 

The Other Side of the Hill is a boardgame that simulates the effects that this struggle for power within the German High Command had on the development of the Second World War. Up to four players represent military leaders cooperating and competing as they manage Germany’s wartime strategy. To win, they must vie for Prestige by advancing the careers of their favored Army and Army Group commanders, grabbing their share of victories while the early-war pickings are easy, then avoiding responsibility for battlefield disasters as the Soviets and the Western Allies solidify and push back.

Players will pursue hidden objectives to dominate the German Officer Corps on behalf of Interest Groups such as the technically-minded Professionals, a traditionalist Old Guard, or anti-Nazi Dissidents—all while Allied aircraft bombard Germany’s war industry and Allied armies press in on every front. As in history, players must reconcile contradictory roles. The German General Staff’s job is to hold the Allies off, but each clique’s priorities can subvert any collective strategy. And beware: a player may in secret be sabotaging the war effort!

NAC Wargames Page

I am really looking forward to this remarkably interesting title – not only as a wargame, but also lesson in history. The topic is not easy – we do a deep dive into the Nazi machine of conquest, but at the same time look more into the internal politicking, bickering and struggle for power than pure military aspect. This is an especially important study showing how totalitarian regimes can function and keep all parties in check. Do not be misled – there is zero justifying of atrocities or crimes; still, if you want to understand how mafia-like country functions, you need to get into details.

That one is definitely my Top 1 among all titles here – not only due to great gameplay, interesting mechanics but also because it moves our hobby forward and is not afraid of touching very difficult topics. Can’t wait to see it!

More about game:

2) Total War: ROME: The Board Game

Total War: ROME – The Board Game captures the essence of the video game and allows up to four players to play as the leaders of Rome, Carthage, Greece, and Gallo-Germania, covering the time period from 250 BCE to 50 BCE. The base game can be played in under three hours, with planned expansions that will allow players to dive deeper into managing battles emulating the video game further.

Publisher Page

Here I will describe something I have a great sentiment about – but unfortunately, also wait enormously long! I love Total War Video Games franchise – played extensively Shogun, Rome, Imperial or Napoleon. So, when I learned about the project – while suspicious at first as with every Digital to Analog transformation there is a huge risk of “overdoing” the game – I went through materials and decided this is really promising title.

There is a good balance of what can be presented on board and calculated / coped with by players as in comparison to the computer game. When I am writing this post, the game went through multiple turbulences, but it seems is finally in capable hands which should bring it to the successful conclusion.

More about game:

3) The Battle of Khalkhin Gol from Princeps Games

The Battle of Khalkhin Gol is a medium level wargame covering the WW2 border clash between Japan and the USSR at the very dawn of this global conflict in 1939. The Battle of Khalkhin Gol is one of the least covered conflicts in the wargame world, so we thought it would be a good idea to offer you a new approach, new unique mechanics and more artistic look of the design than wargames have in general.

The Battle of Khalkhin Gol is a game for one to two players. If played in two players, one player controls Japan, while the other player controls the USSR. The game uses unique battle resolving mechanisms from ‘Freezing Inferno’, the previous game of Princeps Games studio, successfully funded on Kickstarter last year.

Princeps Games page

I had a blast with Freezing Inferno from Princeps Games – really liked the game mechanics, solo system and beautiful components. So, it was natural that I backed the newest project of this publisher – The Battle of Khalkhin Gol. But there is another reason here too – connected to my interest in history.

This engagement is little known in the West, but it took place between May and September 1939 (yes, when World War II in Europe was already raging) and included approximately total of 100 thousand soldiers with wide use of Air Power! Also, it played an important part in subsequent Japanese conduct in World War II – namely, deciding on the Naval rather than Land strategy.

I am very curious about that game and hope to see it published soon!

More about game:

4) Assault Sicily 43 – Gela Beachhead from Assault Games & Sound of Drums

Mediterranean Sea, southwest coast of Sicily island. It was the early morning of 10 July 1943 when the first landing craft dropped their ramps at Gela and the first units of US Rangers set their boots on Italian soil. Together with the British and Canadian units that had landed further east, the Western Allies launched an unprecedented landing operation to push open the gate to Fortress Europe. This operation, called Husky, was the beginning of the end of the Italian army as an ally of the German Wehrmacht. It was the additional front, long demanded by Stalin, and thus brought the necessary relief of the Eastern Front.

Assault Sicily 43 is the second volume in a planned series of tactical level wargames in which players lead historical units into battle during the landing and airborne operations around Gela Beachhead in July 1943. Americans, Italians and Germans fight bitterly for the backdoor Sicily as a launchpad for the invasion of the continent.

Campaign Page

During the Essen 2023 fair I had a pleasure to meet Wolfgang Klein and familiarize myself with the Assault games. That proved to be such an innovative Tactical Combat System – and believe me, after so many years and playing so many games in that genre, I am fully aware how that sounds. When you add the beautiful components, random scenario generator as well as thematic campaigns – you had receipt for a high-quality product.

But that is not the end of the story. When I heard that Wolfgang will be collaborating with my Dear Friend Uwe from Sound of Drums, I knew it will be a success. Thus, I had no hesitation in supporting the second part of the game, Assault Sicily 43! We should see it in 2024.

More about game:

5) 1793 – Patriots & Traitors from Sound of Drums

Patriots & Traitors recreates the chaos that tore up France from the fall of the monarchy in August 1792 until July 1794. Each of the players belong to a different political faction (moderate, conservative, radical, etc.) each with their own agenda. Although they are rivals, they will have to work together to prevent the armies of Austria, Prussia and Sardinia-Piedmont from reaching Paris, thereby crushing the Revolution and ending the game prematurely!

With the help of the multi-functional action cards, the players will be able to influence a number of areas in Paris (National Convention, Palais-Egalité, the Paris streets…) or the provinces. Each controlled area offers certain benefits…or will help them to perform a Coup d’Etat or Civil War. Activated leader cards (Robespierre, Marat, Dumouriez) belonging to their faction will help them in achieving their goals IF they are not arrested or assassinated!

From publisher page

As you can see, I am becoming huge fan of the Sound of Drums games. That small Europe-based company publishes interesting, astonishingly beautiful and perfected to the smallest detail games (see: First look at History of the Ancient Seas). This year we should get 1793 – Patriots & Traitors. I had a chance to play that title during the Essen 2023 as well as meet the designer – and it was a blast!

The game is very thematic, allows for elements of negotiation – we all need to protect France but at the same time push our own agenda. It has great components, and I am sure will attract much broader group of enthusiasts than wargamers only.

More on the title:

6) Traces of Hubris from VUCA Simulations

Traces of Hubris is a two-player game that simulates the German Case Blue (Fall Blau) summer offensive in southern Russia during the second half of 1942. The goal was to “cut off” the Volga at Stalingrad and to capture the Caucasus oil fields.

The Axis player must eliminate the Soviet forces and break their defense lines in order to reach his objectives. The Soviet player must do everything to defend the homeland, and hold until he gets a chance to strike back. The game uses the same core mechanics as Traces of War.


After Traces of War, this is another game by Tetsuya Nakamura, from VUCA Simulations publisher. It has all the features which fan of hex & counters games may wish for: medium-complexity, easy to grasp rules; chit pull mechanism; great solitaire suitability; and outstandingly beautiful components – hallmark of VUCA games. While I am aware that fulfilment in US already started, I am anxiously awaiting this title in Europe. And I hope for this soon!

More on the title:

7) HISPANIA. The Roman conquest from Draco Ideas

HISPANIA is a cooperative game in which 1 to 3 players take the role of all the praetors and consuls that Rome sent to Hispania for almost 200 years, until the first emperor Caesar Augustus culminated the conquest with the final defeat of the Cantabrians and the incorporation of Hispania to his brand new Empire.

The core engine is built upon that of TETRARCHIA, with several important changes (like Roman coins and roads) but a similar difficulty matrix that leads in this game to 243 different levels. On top of that, the game includes several modular expansions, historical scenarios, and a competitive mode that allows 1 additional player to lead the Hispanic resistance against Rome.


I had a lot of fun with one of the previous games by Miguel Marqués – namely Tetrarchia. Thus, when I learned about his new project, I immediately looked with great interest at it. Mechanically Hispania will have some similarities to its predecessor but brings such number of innovative solutions that we will be presented with completely new, fresh experience.

The hallmark of Miguel creations is also possibility to play on various difficulty levels – you can tweak 3-4 starting parameters and have easier or tougher game. The campaign finished recently but the updates indicate that we shall get the game pretty soon – can’t wait for it!

More on the title:

  • Pre-order page
  • BGG Page

8) Thorgal: The Board Game from Portal Games

Thorgal: The Board Game is a cooperative storybook adventure game for 1-4 players. Players take on the roles of Thorgal, his wife Aaricia, their son Jolan, and Kriss – a deadly female warrior, and go on a series of adventures. The game consists of 7 stand-alone scenarios, each taking roughly 90-120 minutes of play. Scenarios do not form a campaign nor have any legacy features, so they can be played by different playgroups and over an extended period of time.

Thorgal: The Board Game comes with a book of maps. Each scenario is played on a different map that players explore while fulfilling scenario goals and promises completely different adventures, hidden opportunities, and vivid characters. Players are free to choose whether they travel in one group or split to cover more areas at the same time. They also perform side quests that might help them win a scenario.

Thorgal: The Board Game, while having a strong narrative element, offers a brand new, unique action selection mechanism. In this new mechanism, actions have varying power depending on which other actions have already been taken. Players carefully plan their strategy and sequence of actions taken, as this directly impacts the strength of the effect of each action. This creates an interesting decision space and makes each turn important for everyone at the table.


First Thorgal comics I had a pleasure to read when I was still a kid, in 80’s and 90’s. Since then, I am a huge fan of Jean Van Hamme and Grzegorz Rosiński creations, having whole collection of books at my home. Consequently, when I saw that Portal Games will be publishing that position, my curiosity immediately jumped.

And when I read in detail about mechanics, story, idea for play – I decided to support that very intriguing title. Maybe that will be a way for my kids to get hooked with that incredible Viking family, just as it worked for me back in time with comics? Let us see!

More on the title:

9) Hunt for Blackbeard from Fort Circle

Hunt for Blackbeard pits two players against one another as hunter and hunted in a fast-moving game of detection, deception, and confrontation.

Hunt for Blackbeard is a two-player boardgame that portrays the effort in 1718 by the colony of Virginia and the Royal Navy to track down the notorious pirate Blackbeard (Edward Thatch) as he sought refuge in colonial North Carolina. It features the historical events, places, and personages involved in Blackbeard’s demise 300 years ago, and the real-world challenges of “golden-age” piracy and pirate hunting.

One player takes the role of Blackbeard and the other the pirate hunters. Blackbeard seeks to commit acts of piracy or to enjoy a pirate’s life while remaining free. The hunters try to discern Blackbeard’s plans to thwart his piracy. The game may end in a battle in which either the hunters capture Blackbeard or the pirate wins by seizing a hunters’ ship as his prize!


A game about pirates? Of course, I am sold! From one of my favorite designers? Now, you have my full attention! That small, neat, asymmetric title is exactly what I was looking for – a chase after famous pirate, the hidden information, possibility for epic battles as well as looking for a hidden treasure. I am really glad that after some turbulences this gets published by Fort Circle. Soon to arrive I hope!

More on the title:

10) One Hour World War II from Worthington Publishing

This is a quick-playing strategic level game covering World War Two from 1940 to 1945 for 2-5 players. Players command Nations, divided into Allied and Axis sides. Each turn represents a year, during which every Nation will conduct Actions and Responses based on the options on the various Nation Sheets – including those of the enemy.

At the end of each turn, either side may lose Political Will (PW) based on the difference in controlled Victory Spaces between the two sides. Either side may win by forcing the enemy to reach 0 PW, or by having the highest PW total at the end of the game. Alternatively, either side may win by taking two enemy Capitals.


This is another game which is fresh from the Crowdfunding campaign. We worked with Clint a lot on his previous design – Werwolf – and since then I am closely following his projects. The One Hour World War II really draw my attention – especially once I learned all the details of it from the great interview with the designer. Possibility to play a quick, up to 5 players, strategic level game immediately got my attention. And as campaign proved to be successful within few initial hours – I believe many more wargamers felt this too!

More on the title:

P500 / GMT Games:

You know guys that I am huge fan of the GMT Games designs. Thus, it is not surprising, that many of the titles on my pre-order list comes from their P500 program. Let us see what I have chosen! (PS. as mentioned earlier, this is only selection of most anticipated titles).

1) Red Dust Rebellion

It is 2250 and the bicentennial celebrations of the first human colony on Mars are about to begin. 200 years of human achievement, but also 200 years of hardship. Mars is an unforgiving world, a barren wasteland on the surface, therefore the people live in vast underground cities known as labyrinths.

Over the years, the people of Mars have formed their own culture and identity and want more say in their own rule. To many, Earth is a remote world with too much control over Martian affairs. Furthermore, Earth’s corporations have too much power over life and death. Some long for a green Mars, covered in oceans and life. While others recoil at the idea that humanity will destroy the climate of another planet.

Red Dust Rebellion is volume XIII of GMT’s acclaimed COIN Series, and tells the story of the Martian revolts of the 2250’s and the rise of Martian nationalism.

GMT page

Truly, what a great title Red Dust Rebellion will be! Primarly, system – COunter INsurgency, a concept devised by Volko Ruhnke and developed to its maximum, now is being further used by broad group of talented designers (in this case, Jarrod Carmichael). Secondly, the theme – colonized Mars where tensions and resentment grow to the Earth. Third – the graphics – GMT publishes almost every month new pictures and they look fabulous – the recently revealed box cover simply rocks! Of course, one question stays – let us hope it is still published this year (recent GMT Update indicates this!).

More on the title:

2) Seljuk: Byzantium Besieged, 1068-1071

Anatolia, 1068. Romanos Diogenes has assumed the imperial throne of the Eastern Roman Empire. Ferocious armies of Seljuk Turks are on the doorstep, ravaging the border cities of the East and sending yearly raids and campaigns into Roman lands. Beset by political intrigue in Constantinople and assuming command of a fragile military, Romanos has only a short time to assemble the largest Roman army in over a century to drive off the forces of the Sultan Alp Arslan before the Empire collapses.

Seljuk—Volume VI in Volko Ruhnke’s Levy & Campaign series—brings players into the challenges of medieval logistics and maneuver across Asia Minor during the clash between Orthodox Christian and Muslim power in the lead-up to the climactic Battle of Manzikert. Players will assume the role of either the Eastern Romans or Seljuk Turks as they seek to make their mark on this historic land. Asymmetric victory objectives and new and unique additions to the Levy & Campaign system mean a dynamic game of cat and mouse between these two great powers.

GMT page

Yes, yes 🙂 – I am a big fan of Volko Ruhnke creations and in this case – Levy & Campaign system. With each installment – thanks to cooperation of series author with young, enthusiastic designers – we are always getting a very fresh and innovative title, which while keeping to the system general rules, brings a lot of novelty. Can’t wait to see first position which will feature Byzantium!

More about game:

3) Away Team

AWAY TEAM: The Voyages of the Pandora is a game of exploring alien worlds in distant star systems. You command the Pandora, an interstellar survey ship on its voyages of discovery. Each voyage sends Pandora to a different star system where you assemble away teams from the ship’s crew and equipment to explore planets, moons, and other sites of interest, with the following directives:

  • Locate exo-life forms and document their physiology and behavior
  • Collect exo-DNA, vital to genetic science and human adaptation to life in the stars 
  • Identify and survey environments suitable for human settlement and development
  • Search for intelligent life and alien cultures; and if found, establish contact with goodwill
  • Don’t get killed.

AWAY TEAM has three modes of play:

  • The solitaire campaign game provides an epic, interconnected, narrative experience for one player across seven star systems, providing over 80 hours of play time, exploration, and plot-twists.
  • The solitaire star system game provides one player with a repeatable play experience commanding one Pandora voyage to a single star system. You set the experience level of your crew and the danger level of each voyage.
  • The 2-player game puts players in command of competing away teams from Pandora in a voyage to a single star system—also a repeatable play experience.
GMT page

Well, I am so excited about that game (not using that strong world too often) as I have a particularly good example what John Butterfield can do with the space theme – see Spacecorp! Here we would have another creation from that author – not only theme & mechanics makes me very curious; like Enemy Action series, the title presents both 2-player and solo system (the latter pretty advanced). And as that author prefers card-driven solitaire experience, I am sure this will play greatly! Can’t wait to get my copy!

More about the game:

4) C&C Medieval Expansion 1 – Crusades

The Crusade Mid-Eastern Battles I expansion will instead focus on some of the major engagements of earlier Crusader history. In this first Crusade expansion, we showcase at least 16 Crusader scenarios and all the additional unit blocks you need to fight out these battles. New units include: Crossbow Infantry, Foot Knight Infantry, Turcopole Light Bow Cavalry, Heavy Knight Cavalry, and Heavy Military Order Knight Cavalry.

The Crusade expansion introduces many new game concepts as well: Impetuous Pursuit, Feigned Flight, Shower Shooting, and Charging Cavalry ability to pass through friendly stationary infantry units, all of which add historical depth and flavor. Still many game mechanics remain constant, like the deck of Medieval Command cards that drive movement while creating a “fog of war” and the battle dice that will resolve combat quickly and efficiently. There are also new and updated Inspired Actions for both the Crusader and Mid-Eastern armies.

GMT page

The hope dies last…

It is a huge pity that my favorite and bellowed series – Commands Colors – are getting so few new titles and expansions in recent years. There are rumors this is due to the price of wood or other economic factors. The Medieval Expansion 1 is one of a few new titles announced – however, its design / development / production process unfortunately drags exponentially.

Which is a huge pity as the game proposes such a vast array of new mechanics, battles and units that most of us, fans of C&C, will have fantastic experience for many months / years to come. The number of P500 orders when the title was announced sky-rocketed (it is now over 1200) but it was already several years ago…

So, while my heart really hopes to see it soon, my mind whispers it is still so far away.

More about the game:

5) Congress of Vienna

Congress of Vienna is a diplomatic Strategy CDG for one to four players. It is the fourth game after Churchill, Pericles, and Versailles 1919 in GMT’s “Great Statesmen” series.

CoV creates an enthralling gaming arena. It allows players to become the main characters of the dramatic, titanic struggle between the struggling Napoleonic Empire and the coalition of Russia, Austria, and Great Britain (with their Prussian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swedish allies).

The game starts after Napoleon’s disastrous 1812 retreat from Moscow, covering the decisive years of 1813 and 1814. The abstract game map involves a strategic theater portraying Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to the boundaries of Poland and Prussia.

It also includes the secondary front of Italy, an area for depicting maritime warfare and the British/American War of 1812. This game by designer Frank Esparrago and developer Dick Sauer (with much appreciated input from Mark Herman) has been created to be played as both a diplomatic and strategic military conflict without losing the taste of the Napoleonic era’s great battles.

GMT page

I played all Great Statements titles so far – having a blast with Churchill politics, great internal and external war concepts in Pericles or shaping the new, post Great War world in Versailles. The Congress of Vienna definitely suits the theme and concept of the series, and being inspired and consulted by Mark Herman, I am sure we are going to get a quality product. According to the latest GMT Update, the design moves forward in production queue, and it might be not so long before it is finally published!

More about the game:


Well, now when I am looking at above list I see this is HUGE. And as I said – this does not cover everything as I had to limit myself! It is obvious that not all of those titles will arrive simultaneously but still – it will require some time from my current games to cover the new ones.

I also hope that above selection will give Dear Readers some kind of inspiration and raise interest in several of presented games. The selection is thematically and mechanically wide enough for everybody to find appealing titles. Enjoy!

PS. And what are your most anticipated preorders currently?