I would like to invite Dear Readers to further explore wonderful world of Pacific War. That game does not stop to bring me a lot of joy, fun, challenge and intellectual exercise, especially when playing solo and trying to optimize moves of both sides.

I have created thorough review of the all Pacific War Engagement Scenarios (see here: Pacific War Engagement Scenarios – First Impressions & evaluation). For the Battle Scenarios I will follow different approach and rather group them into logical mini-campaigns. One of them will be Japanese and Allied struggle for the control over Aleutians. Why am I starting here? First, because these are smaller battles depicted by Mark Herman in that section, perfect when you start with the game. Secondly, as three of those engagement nicely and neatly combine into short mini-campaign.

Before jumping further, couple of words about Battle Scenarios and what they are. As per author, the Battle Scenarios are complete two-player gaming experiences that also have their own complete rules booklet and are very compatible with an afternoon session. They give definitely broader pallet of possibilities compared to Engagement Scenarios, but focus entirely on tactics, search, air and naval missions, leaving strategic components out of the picture.

Let me now move to the evaluation and some more information about the Aleutians set-ups.

My personal evaluation

#BS10 – Aleutians

Historical Background: The Aleutian Islands campaign was a military campaign conducted by the United States, Canada, and Japan in the Aleutian Islands, part of the Territory of Alaska. The Japanese reasoned that control of the Aleutians would prevent a possible US attack across the Northern Pacific. Similarly, the US feared that the islands would be used as bases from which to carry out a full-scale aerial attack on US West Coast cities.

The first battle scenario recreates initial, successful Japanese invasions and occupations of Kiska on June 6 and Attu on June 7 1942. Those two shocked the American public, as the continental United States was invaded for the first time in 130 years since 1815.

NameDateInitiative SideSubjective
fun factor
#BS10 – AleutiansMay-June
Scenario #10 Playthrough

Comment on #BS10 – Aleutians: How did it go in my playthrough? First of all, that was big fun – a true race with time. Americans were of course first to both Attu and Kiska, but Japanese had a chance to break and push the US Army out. Still, the dice was not with them and as there were no Japanese ground forces on Attu and Kiska, the game finished in decisive US victory.

#BS11 – The Kiska Convoy

Historical Background: once on Kiska and Attu, Japanese planned to reinforce the troops there by sending an Engineering Regiment, and building additional facilities. A cruiser and destroyer force under Rear Admiral Charles McMorris was assigned to eliminate those Japanese supply convoys. They met the Japanese fleet in the naval Battle of the Komandorski Islands in March 1943. One American cruiser and two destroyers were damaged, and seven US sailors were killed. Two Japanese cruisers were damaged, with 14 men killed and 26 wounded. Japan thereafter abandoned all attempts to resupply the Aleutian garrisons by surface vessels, and only submarines would be used.

NameDateInitiative SideSubjective
fun factor
#BS11 – The Kiska ConvoyMar
Scenario #11 Playthrough

Comment on #BS11 – The Kiska Convoy: How did it go in my playthrough? First and foremost, the Japanese have won decisive victory. Not only they managed to land the Engineers, but also scored more naval hits. It was evident, that this time the luck was with Imperial Army!

#BS12 – Operation Landcrab (Japan Victory)

Historical Background: The tide has turned and this time these will be Americans who are on the offensive (with some minimal air support from British). The goal is pretty straightforward – take back Attu and Kiska with minimal losses on their side. The firepower and landing / amphibious forces are significantly stronger than defending Japanese.

NameDateInitiative SideSubjective
fun factor
#BS12 – Operation LandcrabMay
Scenario #12 Playthrough

Comment on #BS12 – Operation Landcrab: What a great play-through it was! Probably my favorite scenario out of those three. I got huge naval battle, fierce land engagement and completely unexpected result with Japanese tactical victory – would probably not be able to hold up much longer but for scenario purposes that was fine.


The Aleutians Battle Scenarios can be definitely recommended as entry operations when moving from Engagement Scenarios. They play in reasonable amount of time, involve limited number of units, have more or less straightforward mechanics and allow to test and learn all the tactical conflict rules. Strongly recommended!