Welcome to the regular, monthly update on the new, great storage solutions for our favorite wargames, created using fantastic Cube4Me trays and card holders. As always, you will see below tailor-made sets which are checked to fit in the box and nicely sort & store all the pieces.

Please remember, you can find all Wargaming Sets under below link:

Now, let us jump to actual positions which I will briefly discuss!

Total Domination

Total Domination is one of the latest PHALANX publications. It is a strategic wargame for 2-4 players and playable in 90 minutes. Players command the military forces of Germany, United Kingdom (UK), Japan, and Soviet Union (USSR) during the Second World War.

While the game has a pretty nicely produced insert tray, it benefits a lot from additional boxes and card holders from Cube4Me. The full set and how it fits the box can be of course seen in details on Cube4Me page:

Downfall: Conquest of the Third Reich, 1942-1945

Downfall is a two-player game on the conquest of the Third Reich in World War II. Sounds typical? It should not be! The Western player commands the Western Allies faction and the OKH, that is the German and minor Axis armies battling the Soviet Union in the east (Oberkommando des Heeres). The Soviet player commands the Soviet faction and the OKW faction, that is the German and Italian armies facing the Western allies in the west (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht).

That great game – really, you should try if you have not done so far – deserves a proper treatment to sort & store all the chits, cards and components. Exactly such set was designed and tested recently, being finally available on Cube4me page:

The First Jihad: The Rise of Islam 632-750

The First Jihad is one of the games form the great State of Siege series, authored by Ben Madison. State of Siege is a collection of solitaire games in which the player is the commander of a desperate situation. Surrounded by enemies in every direction, your decisions regarding your scarce military, political and economic resources decide the game.

The small and neat storage solution allows to sort all the game counters – and believe me, there is a lot of them – into logical groups, connected with the map parts and periods as history unfolds. On top of this two boxes takes care about all the cards. Check details below:

The Hunt

In this monthly update, I am going to present multiple small wargames – or probably, better to say, conflict-orientated boardgames – which with larger or smaller addition of Cube4Me trays / card holders gains a lot in the way to keep the elements of them organized.

The Hunt is an asymmetric duel in which one player assumes the leadership of the British Royal Navy, while the other player represents the German Kriegsmarine. Each player has their own deck of cards. In order for the German side to win, it must stay hidden from the British while sinking five cargo ships. The British player must hunt down and fight the Admiral Graf Spee in a final naval battle, in which case the side that ends up with less damage wins.

Below we show small set, which allows to keep all small components together; have a look and get it if you think that would help you keep things together:

General Orders: World War II

Yet one more small title which will enormously – in my opinion – benefit from the new set of storage solutions. In General Orders: World War II designers (Jack Thompson and Trevor Benjamin) take us for another very intriguing journey. We are getting wargame with worker placement mechanic- actually, we are in essence getting two games, as Alpine Map and Pacific Map are so vividly different – in set-up, asymmetry but also rules. We lead opposing forces during World War two, but let us be honest – this is just a pretext to create great, small game.

The set for such a small box is pretty large and extensive but I believe, it allows to sort all the elements very nicely. Please have a look for yourselves and decide on your own:

More details here:


Not sure if you have heard about this very small card-based game. In Taĉmento you will lead Spanish Tercios in two or one player scenarios. That game is quick, intriguing, very easy to learn and just needs two card holders to store all component.

All details of the set for this last small boardgame in this newsletter can be found here – enjoy:


We start 2024 very strongly on Cube4Me front. A lot of new titles, great wargames getting fantastic storage solutions. And they are really receiving such a positive reviews – not only products itself, but a superb customer care shown by the owner – Marcin. As always, this is not a purely business adventure for me but a great source of pride. We shall continue for sure!