World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland (followed by U.S.S.R. aggression on 17th). Great Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3. The war between the U.S.S.R. and Germany began on June 22, 1941, with Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union.

Of course, conflict in Asia began well before the official start of World War II. Seeking raw materials to fuel its growing industries, Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931. And then in 1937 a full blown Japanese-China war erupted.

Each year September 1st not only marks the beginning of the new School Year in Poland but also the anniversary of the Nazi Germany (and later Soviet Union) aggression on Poland which started World War II. Usually on that day I am reaching to the titles which depict those very sad and tragic events and today I would like to touch upon two games which I am going to bring to the table this year.

One will be strategic perspective, very vividly showing the role of Soviets in attack on Poland and further partition. The second will be from completely different, pretty low-level, operational perspective – depiction of valiant defense of the Polish Postal Workers on September 1st 1939.

It is hard for me to say enjoy (as it touches very sad events), but at least I hope you will like the article.

White Eagle Defiant from Hollandspiele

White Eagle Defiant published by Hollandspiele and designed by Ryan Heilman & Dave Shaw recreates the German, Slovak and Soviet invasion of Poland in September and October 1939 that meant the beginning of the Second World War. Germany and its Slovakian ally began the invasion on September 1, 1939; the Soviet Union followed suit on the 17th.

In this game one player controls the GermansSlovaks and Soviets while the other commands the Poles. The German objective is to gain control of Warsaw and other designated Victory cities while preventing Polish forces from destroying their forts in East Prussia and recapturing Victory cities. If the German player does so in less time than the historical campaign, they win the game. Anything less is a draw or a win for the Polish player.

A close-up on the map – armies and forts clearly visible

The title employ two of my favorite mechanics – point-to-point map and a chit pull mechanism to simulate the campaign and uncertainty of action. On top of this, random event chits are included to add variety to the game, reflecting the weapons -such as armored trains and aerial bombardment – used at the beginning of World War II. We also have specialized units, like German Panzers – which can roll two dice instead of one – and cavalry for the Poles, which can roll a “first shot” at the beginning of a combat round.

After Turn 6; VPs at 9. The end is near. Brzesc-Litewski finally surrenders. But the Poznan & Warsaw are still free!
Very aesthetic map, depicting theater of war

A Victory Point track allows for variable entry of Soviet forces (depending on the success of the German player in capturing Victory cities), as well as the possibility of the Allies launching an attack in the West (if the German player fails to do well in capturing Victory cities). Finally, a “blitzkrieg breakdown” track is used by the German player; if the turn ends before both German army group chits are pulled, the German player may elect to activate a group, but possibly suffer a “breakdown” while doing so – and if five such breakdowns occur, the German player automatically loses the game.

The game plays quickly, is very suitable for solo play and provides high replayability due to chit pull mechanics. Enjoy!

More about game:

Soldiers in Postmen’s Uniforms from Dan Verssen Games

You can clearly see from my blog that I am devoted fan of Valiant Defense Series by David Thompson. It currently encompasses Pavlov’s House (siege of Stalingrad), Castle Itter (Wehrmacht and Allies fighting versus SS troops!), Soldiers in Postmen’s Uniforms (which I am describing here) and recently released Lanzerath Ridge (an incredible defense by two dozens of US Troops during the Battle of the Bulge).

Now, in Soldiers in Postmen’s Uniforms you take control of the valiant defenders of Polish Postal Office No. 1 in the Free City of Danzig on the first day of the Second World War. Under your command, the defenders must fend off relentless attacks from the Danzig Schutzpolizei and two German SS units.

The goal of Soldiers in Postmen’s Uniforms is to recreate the incredible historic accomplishment of the Polish postal workers by defending the post office during the day-long siege. In the game, this is represented by playing through three decks of enemy cards

Let me share some of my experiences with the game. First and foremost, the game theme – while unique and extraordinary as with every installment in the series – is pretty special for me as the Post office defenders were my compatriots; their fight was valiant but later on their fate was tragic.

Secondly, the difficulty level – the game is truly challenging and requires from you constant risk mitigation and risk taking. You do not have enough moves or actions and prioritization of scarce resources is key. Last but not least, top quality components – I like the DVG products – large counters, shiny but useful map, good quality rulebook. I am sure you would enjoy it!

More about the game:


Playing above games – published in the West – is always refreshing. It is very interesting for me to see how others perceive the historical events of my country. Of course, it gives different perspective and is usually much more objective, not clouded by some martyrdom or false assumptions. I am eager to learn this and try that approach.