Let us come back to Global War: World War II Worldwide 1939 1945 by Ben Madison & Wes Erni. The great solitaire wargame which allows you – in about 3 hours – to reenact largest military conflict in human history. This is also another of title in the famous State of Siege series.

What is the game about? As UN Forces (Allies) you try to crush the enemy (Axis) trying to conquer the world. You will fight on the ground, in the air and on the seas. You will build your economy might investing in convoys and hunting U-Bots. The random political / military events will spice up the game, bringing the historical flavor. This will not be easy, but with proper planning hopefully you will succeed!

In the first part – Turns 1-3 – we observed the initial Nazi Germany Attacks on Poland and Western Europe, up to almost the fall of France. This time we shall play Turns 4-6 where the key topic will be launching the Operation Barbarossa as well as Japanese sudden attack at Pearl Harbor.
